Friday, April 26, 2013

Breaking the cycle of kids' tablet troubles

TECH-crazed children as young as eight are being treated for back pain and chronic    headaches from overusing iPads and smartphones.

The true impact of technology on the iGeneration is starting to hit, with experts warning of an epidemic of teens with spinal changes.
Balwyn Sports & Physiotherapy Centre director Andrew Wynd said patients aged 12-16 were experiencing back injuries typically seen in people over 30.
"People are sitting for hours curled up on a couch or in bed with a laptop or other device and the biggest problem is neck and middle-back issues," he said.
"I have seen semi-permanent spinal changes in teenagers from 10 years of bad posture, a loss of the natural curves of the spine. It is hard to correct.
"It's becoming an epidemic in the early to mid-teens and it's going to cause a lot of problems in the next 10 to 20 years."
Tech addicts were also suffering tendinopathy in wrists and thumbs, which can require ice, strapping, braces and immobilising. Parents and patients should reduce usage, and take regular breaks.
Mr Wynd has seen children as young as eight with sore backs from spending hours hunched over a tablet, while osteopath Dr Paul O'Keefe has treated nine-year-olds for "tech neck", an affliction caused by "holding the head in the same position for hours on end".
Dr Martin Mamo, of Macedon Ranges Osteopathy, in Sunbury, said parents should always encourage their children to have good posture. He said it would also be beneficial for schools to look at how their pupils sat at desks, as they increasingly relied on technology.
Physiotherapy Association president Marcus Dripps said some parents were being overanxious by taking their children for treatment when there might be no need.
But he said people should use proper support when using tablets and computers for long periods, and avoid sending too many emails on smart phones.
"People might spend three to four hours a day on a device and it can cause problems, particularly if they are using a small device and typing 100-200 emails a day," he said.
"I will have a chat with them to work out how they can manage their work flow. It's an emerging problem as device use goes up."

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