Thursday, June 6, 2013

Google patents eye tracking to unlock display screens

Google Glass wearers will only need a flicker of the eye to unlock their display screens under plans described in a Google patent for eye tracking.

The eye tracking system, a form of wearable technology, will allow anyone wearing the device to look at a moving object on the glasses' projected screen to unlock the display.
A picture of the product shows how the moving object will be similar to a screen saver, with a bird flying back and forth used as one example. The wearer would only have to follow the bird's movement with their eyes to unlock the display screen.
In another illustration, the wearer would have to read text on display to unlock the system and use the device.
The eye tracking system can only be used with a wearable computer and head-mounted display, which would be close enough to the eye for a sensor to track the movement of pupils. Google Glass is one product that could use the new technology but the company also said the computer system could be worn under clothes.
A background to the patent read: "There may be constant interaction between a wearable computer and a user. The wearable computer may be integrated into user activities and may be considered an extension of the mind and/or body of the user."
The patent is focused on using eye-tracking to unlock display screens, but the use of eye tracking could be developed for a range of functions.
At the moment, voice activation is used for many Google Glass functions. Wearers tap the side to activate the screen and then say "OK Glass" to take a picture or ask a question. Eye tracking would allow Google Glass wearers to use the device without making their searches known to those nearby.
The technology could also be made part of smartphone displays, with an eye gesture used to unlock the screen instead of the taps and swipes used currently.

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